Problem Posing

Problem posing approach emphasises on participation, reflection, and critical analysis of social problems. (Freire, 1970) These characteristics make of problem posing an excellent approach to empower students to think about their realities and the possible alternatives to improve them. According to Wink (2000) one of the fundamental steps of problem posing is reflection. This idea is supported by Keen (1990), who developed a study under the implementation of problem posing with university students at Notre Dame University in USA for two years. The results of this implementation showed that the use of problem posing helped her and her students to be engaged in reflective activities which were characterized by the respect of the students` autonomies. Auerbach (1992). defined five steps for the implementation of problem posing  which help to develop critical thinking skills; since students will learn to see and analyze the problem and their social causes.





1. Describe the code

2. Define a problem

3. Personalise the problem

4. Discuss the problem

5. Discuss alternatives to the problem